Contributing to Blind Computing

Published on 2020-04-14 by TheFake VIP

Thanks for taking interest in this project and thanks even more for wanting to help out with it! Below are just some of the ways you can contribute to Blind Computing.

Contributing Code

Blind Computing is, has been and always will be an open source project. If you would like to help out, the code is available on Github. I would specifically advise you to read the readme file in order to get a better idea of how this project is developed.

If you want to contribute code, then fork, modify and submit a pull request for this repo and I, along with anyone else who is part of the blind-computing Github organisation will check and hopefully approve your changes.

Submitting Bugs and Feature Requests

Although we've tried to squash as many bugs as possible and have implemented and/or are implementing as many useful features as we can, if you've found a glitch or have an idea for a site-wide (I.E. not a piece of content) suggestion, we'd love to hear it! You can propose these ideas or problems to us via Github's issue tracker.

Be sure to check the previously submitted issues (both open and closed) to see if anyone else has already reported the issue or come up with a similar idea.

Submitting Content

The goal of Blind Computing is to centralise, clarify and make easily accessible all helpful content in the blind / visually impaired tech world. So, if you've got some content, either that you made yourself or you found helpful, we'd love to here from you. All you have to do is shoot me an email, preferably with details on where the content you're sending came from and I'll see what I can do about publishing it here.